Archive for the tag: Covalent

Coordinate/Dative Covalent Bond [GCE A Level Chemistry]

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Learn what is a co-ordinate/dative covalent bond and when does such a bonding occur. #chemistry #bonding #alevel

A coordinate or dative bond is basically when an atom donates a pair of electrons to another atom, hence forming a joined covalent molecule. In order for a pair of electrons to be donated successfully, one of the atoms must have a lone pair of electrons while the other atom must have a vacant, low-lying orbital to accept the lone pair of electrons.

In this video, we will cover the following areas:
0:00 – Introduction
0:05 – What is a coordinate/dative bond?

0:14 – When does this occur?

0:59 – More examples

Music: Walk
Musician: @iksonmusic
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Now that we’ve made it through the periodic table, it’s time to look at transition metals and the coordination compounds they can form. What types of ligands can they interact with, and how? What shapes do they make? There is so much to talk about!

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Coordinate Covalent Bond

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This lecture is about coordinate covalent bond in chemistry. I will also teach you the difference between covalent bond and coordinate covalent bond. In the last part, you will learn exam question: why carbon mono-oxide form coordinate covalent bond. You will the super easy concept of coordinate covalent bond with many examples.

To learn more, watch this lecture till the end.


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You can find all my A Level Chemistry videos fully indexed at

In this video, we look at a special type of covalent bonding called dative covalent bonding. I explain to you what is meant by a dative covalent bond and look at the conditions required to form a dative bond. I then discuss the features of a dative covalent bond and show you two examples of molecules which contain a dative covalent bond.

This video is aimed at the UK A Level Chemistry specifications. Students studying International A Level Chemistry will need to check their specification.
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What is a Coordinate Covalent Bond?

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This chemistry video tutorial provides a basic introduction into coordinate covalent bond. Line any covalent bond, electrons are shared. However, in a coordinate covalent bond, one atom donates both electrons that contribute to the formation of the bond. A lewis acid lewis base reaction can form a coordinate covalent bond as well as metal ligand interactions.

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Coordinate Covalent Bonding (Carbon Monoxide)

Coordinate covalent bonding is a special way that elements form covalent bonds. In this video we will see how carbon monoxide forms a coordinate covalent bond.

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