Private Investigator Tutorial Part 1: How to do a free criminal public records background check.
sex August 7th. 2021, 10:57amThis week is Part 1 of an investigative deep-dive into sources and methods that are completely OSINT (no paid or restricted database services) to look at criminal public records and how to do a public records search as I take you step-by-step on a criminal background check on an unfortunate woman who’s addition appears to have driven her into a life of theft, prostitution and more.
As we look at this woman’s life, please keep in mind a quote from the EXCELLENT book Saint John Paul The Great: His Five Loves by Jason Evert, “.. authentic love is pure, and always leads others to the source of love, which is God himself.” (on page 97).
This is Part 1 of a two part Private Investigator Tutorial.
Part 2 is in Public Records Mini-Course. (Currently that course is not open to the public, but is invitation only.)
Now Open to the Public: Public Records Mini-Course at
Committed to your success,
Larry Kaye,
Private Investigator
P.S. – Don’t miss my special report, If You Want to be a Private Investigator Give Up… Unless you Do These Three Things. You can get it for free on the home page of my blog at
51 Weird Tricks book:
51 Dirty Tricks book:
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Process Server Course:
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How to Make Money as a Private investigator Paperback Book (In Stock):
How to Make Money as a Private investigator ebook:

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