401k CARES Act Extension – Still Time to Take a 401k CARES Act Withdrawal
sex December 25th. 2021, 3:08amWith the recent passing of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, the 401k CARES Act withdrawal program has been extended.
This extends the much-needed CARES Act program as it relates to 401k hardship withdrawals and 401k loans for another 6 months. CARES Act 2020 401k Withdrawal Updates – Effective March 27, 2020, you can take a 401k CARES Act withdrawal of up to the lesser of 0,000 or 100% of your vested 401(k) Plan account balance. You also have the ability to take a hardship withdrawal from the 401(k) plan that is exempt from the normal 10% early withdrawal penalty and repayable within three years.
**Original Video** – 401k CARES Act Withdrawal vs. Normal 401k Withdrawal | Should You Take A 401k Withdrawal? – https://youtu.be/sNU-mTOV6Mg
0:00 – Intro
2:02 – Ways to access the funds in your 401k
3:15 – Limits of 401k CARES Act hardship withdrawals and 401k CARES Act loans
4:20 – What can the funds of a 401k CARES Act withdrawal be used for
5:09 – Who is eligible to receive a 401k CARES Act withdrawal
7:13 – When is the deadline for the 401k CARES Act Program
7:44 – Differences between a 401k CARES Act withdrawal and 401k CARES Act loan
11:01 – Consequences of taking money out of your 401k
13:00 – Outro
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