Archive for the 'relationship' Category

SP-210-N: Persuasive Speech

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Persuasive Speeches
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Persuasion IQ|The 10 Skills You Need to Get Exactly What You Want|by Kurt W. Mortensen|MERICREATIONS

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Persuasion IQ|The 10 Skills You Need to Get Exactly What You Want|by Kurt W. Mortensen|MERICREATIONS

PDF Link.

Do you realize how much your professional success, your income, and even your personal relationships depend on your ability to persuade, influence, and motivate other people? Yet many of us continue to use outdated techniques for convincing others…or worse yet, have no technique at all.

Kurt Mortensen, through his Persuasion Institute, has sought out and studied the world’s top persuaders, and with his specially formulated Persuasion I.Q. assessment–the most comprehensive persuasion resource available today–he lets readers in on the essential habits, traits, and behaviors necessary to cultivate their natural persuasive abilities. Concentrating on the 10 major Persuasion I.Q. skills, the book allows readers to determine their own current Persuasion I.Q., helping them to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and starting them down a path to enormous success and wealth. The book reveals powerful techniques that will enable them to:
– read people quickly

– create instant trust

– get others to take immediate action

– close more sales

– win over clients

– accelerate business success

– earn what they’re really worth

– influence others to accept their points of view

– win negotiations

– enhance relationships

– and–most important–hear the magical word “yes” more often!

Whether you are selling a product, presenting an idea, or asking for a raise, persuasion is the magic ingredient. This powerful, life-changing book will transform anyone into a persuasion genius.

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6 Phrases That Instantly Persuade People

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Persuasion. When someone is persuaded, it’s amazing how positive things turn out. Some psychology on how to persuade someone, empathy, and your personal development off of it will be talked about.

You probably like to think of yourself as a rational human being like when you have a decision to make, you take all the information you make a pros and cons list and you add that up to make the best decision possible. But you’re a human being and the truth of human beings is we are far more irrational than we’d like to admit. Oftentimes, our decisions come down to the smallest irrational things and oftentimes, that can be just a few words which is why in this video,

I want to give you 6 phrases that you can use to turn the tide in your favor when you’re trying to persuade someone to do something that you might like. Now, this is not going to be a substitute for really developing a true persuasive strategy, it’s not a substitute for empathy but start adding these phrases into your vocabulary and I think you will be shocked with how quickly and how effective they are. So, the first one is when you’re coming up against a gatekeeper and the phrase is simply going to be — “Have you ever made an exception?” Now, I used to use this all the time when I would try to get into bars and clubs after it was technically at capacity and it worked pretty well.

0:44 First persuasion phrase is to let them think it won’t be a big deal
1:38 A person will more likely be persuaded if you bring empathy to the table
2:58 Make them see you in a positive light and work on your psychology prowess
4:19 Call them by their name
5:14 Another persuasion tactic is the use of the Yes Ladder
6:45 Use the power of “because”

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Persuasive Techniques Used in Advertising

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Persuasive Techniques Used in  Advertising

This video is about Persuasive Techniques used in advertising, including:
-Glittering Generalities
-Magic ingredients/scientific language
-Card Stacking

For each technique, there is an example of an advertisement that goes with it.
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Advertisers try to gain trust with 3 main techniques: ethos [building credibility with endorsements], pathos [evoking an emotional response], and logos [blowing our minds with facts and figures]. Learn more about ethos, pathos, and logos here ►►

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Music: “All I Can Give” by Jamie Bathgate:

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Teddy Has An Operation

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Music :
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Vance Packard – I Persuasori Occulti

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Un commento sul famoso saggio di Vance Packard del 1957, dal titolo “I Persuasori Occulti”. Un testo oggi quasi dimenticato, che però come sempre capita ai grandi libri, riesce ad offrirci una chiave di lettura per comprendere come le nostre società che si dicono “democratiche” celino in realtà delle forme di controllo e di persusasione occulta non dissimili dalle tecniche adoperate dai più grandi totalitarismi del novecento.
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Massa e pubblicità: Vance Packard - I persuasori occulti

Benvenuti in un nuovo video, oggi si parla di ” I persuasori occulti” di Vance Packard, un libro che racconta la storia e la nascita del marketing per come lo intendiamo oggi, il tutto attraverso numerose testimonianze e aneddoti.

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Science Of Persuasion

relationship No Comments » This animated video describes the six universal Principles of Persuasion that have been scientifically proven to make you most effective as reported in Dr. Cialdini’s groundbreaking book, Influence. This video is narrated by Dr. Robert Cialdini and Steve Martin, CMCT (co-author of YES & The Small Big).

About Robert Cialdini:
Dr. Robert Cialdini, Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing, Arizona State University has spent his entire career researching the science of influence earning him a worldwide reputation as an expert in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation.

Dr. Cialdini’s books, including Influence: Science & Practice and Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, are the result of decades of peer-reviewed published research on why people comply with requests. Influence has sold over 3 million copies, is a New York Times Bestseller and has been published in 30 languages.

Because of the world-wide recognition of Dr. Cialdini’s cutting edge scientific research and his ethical business and policy applications, he is frequently regarded as the “Godfather of influence.”

To inquire about Dr. Robert Cialdini’s speaking, Steve Martin, CMCT or any of our other Cialdini Method Certified Trainers (CMCTs) please contact INFLUENCE AT WORK at 480.967.6070 or

INFLUENCE AT WORK (IAW®) was founded by Robert Cialdini, Ph.D. as a professional resource to maximize influence results through ethical business applications. Offering participatory workshops and training, keynote presentations and intensive Cialdini Method Certified Trainer (CMCT) programs, IAW serves an international audience. For more information, visit our website at or call 480.967.6070.

To order a poster of the final screen shot, visit!/Science-of-Persuasion-Animation-Poster/p/37513485/category=9805434

For more information on The Small BIG, visit

For our latest, animated videos from THE SMALL BIG, visit… – narrated by Dr. Cialdini,… – narrated by Mr. Steve Martin,… – narrated by Dr. Noah Goldstein.

This animated video was created and produced by TINOPOLIS

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PERSUASION by Jane Austen – FULL 🎧📖 | Greatest🌟AudioBooks -V4

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PERSUASION by Jane Austen – FULL AudioBook | GreatestAudioBooks – V4 – Jane Austen (1775 – 1817)
🌟► Start your F R E E Audiobooks .com 🎧 3 0 day trial & get your 1st audiobook FREE!

Persuasion by Jane Austen
Several years before the events of the novel, Anne Elliott fell in love with a young and handsome but poor naval officer. She was persuaded by her friends and family to refuse him when he asked her to marry him. Now she meets him again….

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– READ along by clicking (CC) for Closed Caption Transcript!

– LISTEN to the entire audiobook for free!

Chapter listing and length:

01 Chapter 01

02 Chapter 02

03 Chapter 03

04 Chapter 04

05 Chapter 05

06 Chapter 06

07 Chapter 07

08 Chapter 08

09 Chapter 09

10 Chapter 10

11 Chapter 11

12 Chapter 12, Part 1

13 Chapter 12, Part 2

14 Chapter 13

15 Chapter 14

16 Chapter 15

17 Chapter 16

18 Chapter 17

19 Chapter 18

20 Chapter 19

21 Chapter 20

22 Chapter 21, Part 1

23 Chapter 21, Part 2

24 Chapter 22, Part 1

25 Chapter 22, Part 2

26 Chapter 23, Part 1

27 Chapter 23, Part 2

28 Chapter 24

#audiobook #audiobooks #freeaudiobooks #greatestaudiobooks
#JaneAusten #EnglishLiterature #Persuasion
14:27, 25:09, 39:31, 49:43, 1:16:18
This video: Copyright 2017. Greatest Audio Books. All Rights Reserved. Audio content is a Librivox recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer visit

Take The Quiz And We'll Tell You If You're A Bad Person!

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Have you ever asked yourself whether you are a good or a bad person? Did you get the answer or are you still hesitating? It’s time to dot the “I”s and sort everything out. And our mind-blowing quiz from 1 Million Tests is going to help you.

Music by Epidemic Sound:
Video Rating: / 5

15 Psychology Tricks To Persuade Anyone

Here are 15 psychology tricks to persuade anyone! The art of persuasion is a practical life skill that everyone should learn, because it comes in handy in many circumstances. Whether you need to get your point across, close an important sale, or convince someone to do something for you, you should know how to use psychology to your advantage.

Understanding when and how to use these psychological tricks to persuade anyone will also you help you detect when they are being used on you. However, it’s important to note that persuasion is not the same as manipulation! When trying to persuade others, you have good intentions. When lies and half-truths are involved, you’ve crossed the boundaries into manipulative territories.

So be sure to keep that in mind when you decide to use any of these persuasive techniques!


Music: Epidemic Sound
Visuals: VideoBlocks / Dreamstime / Pexels / Pixabay / Other
Voice-over Recording, Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose

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The Three Requirements of a Good Relationship

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It can be hard to know what we really need from a relationship. But the task becomes much simpler if we keep in mind that every relationship requires just three crucial ingredients to work.
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“Many people, after they’ve been in a couple for some time, will privately admit that they are – in many ways – frustrated and disappointed by the person they’ve chosen to share their lives with. If pressed for details, they will have no difficulty coming up with a list: their partner, they might complain:..”


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Produced in collaboration with:

Gemma Green-Hope

Title animation produced in collaboration with

Vale Productions
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